How To Straighten Curved Spine?
How often have you heard someone tell you to “straighten up” or “stop slouching?” We all have a predisposition to bend forward, despite the fact that the spine has a natural curve. If you already have back or spinal pain or pressure, being more conscious of how much you’re leaning or sitting at an angle can help you avoid further injury. Read More
Here are some life tips for strengthening and straightening your curved spine and improving your posture.
1. Stretch: Making excuses has become a part of our daily routine as a result of our chaotic, rushed lives and schedules. Stretching is likely to be the first thing to go off your list of must-dos. However, investing a few minutes each morning in a simple routine can have a significant impact on how your day goes as well as how your spine feels in the long run.
Stretching first thing in the morning might also help you wake up. After all, you’ve spent the night on your back and your body is itching for some movement. Begin with a few easy shoulder rolls, then progress to toe touches, standing forward bends, and so on. Finish with a thorough overhead stretch to round off your fast workout.
2. Disconnect More Often: It’s an understatement to suggest that we’re addicted to our smartphones: According to a recent survey, the average person glances, taps, swipes, or clicks 2,617 times every day. Furthermore, this downward motion can put up to 60 pounds of extra pressure on the cervical spine.
The idea of disconnecting and putting your phone down may make you feel anxious. However, setting your smartphone to timeout for a few minutes each day can help. Begin with small steps, such as resolving not to check it during commuting hours or picking it up while running on the treadmill. Enlist the help of some of your family members, and enforce a “no phone policy” during dinner. Each time you don’t pick up the phone, your spine has another opportunity to reconnect.
3. Think Before You Sit: It’s no secret that most of our days are spent sitting. Sitting has become our natural habit, and it can be difficult to break this habit, but setting a reminder on your phone may provide the motivation you need to get up more regularly throughout the day.
Our spinal health is influenced not only by how long we sit, but also by how we sit. Here are some tips and reminders for maintaining excellent sitting posture:
- Keep your back pressed up against the chair, with your lower back all the way to the chair crease.
- Make sure your weight is distributed evenly and you’re not leaning or slouching to one side.
- Keep your feet flat on the floor and avoid crossing your legs.
4. Practice Deep Breathing: Breathing deeply and keeping your spine straight are more connected than you might believe. Your diaphragm is restricted when you’re sitting or slouching. As you inhale and exhale, this puts pressure on your chest. When you stand, though, you may breathe via your diaphragm, which lengthens and expands the spine and allows the upper and lower back to extend.
Deeper breathing is beneficial to your spine as well as your general health. According to studies, it can help you relax, reduce stress, and focus on the positive aspects of your life. So go ahead and give it a shot: inhale, hold, exhale.
With an experience of more than 25 years and having successfully performed more than 6000 surgeries, Dr. Arun Saroha has become India’s leading neurologist. The Dr. Arun Saroha Brain and Spinal Surgery Clinic offers the best treatment and care for any spine issues.
To correct your posture, contact Dr. Arun Saroha, the best spine specialist in Delhi.